break new paths中文什么意思

发音:   用"break new paths"造句
  • break:    vt. (broke, 〔古语〕 b ...
  • new:    adj. 1.新的,崭新的;新发现的 ...
  • path:    n. (pl. paths ) 1. ...
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  1. When college students get on line to chat with others , they can always encounter some , negative and irresponsible speech which will directly influence their concepts , emotion and psychology . so to speak , the rising and development of internet have caused us to be confronted with challenges . whether we can face these challenges calmly and grasp this opportunity has become a pressing matter of the moment . in the network age , probing into the problem of breaking new paths in moral education systematically is the issue of great importance facing us at present


  1. break mode 什么意思
  2. break my heart 什么意思
  3. break my love 什么意思
  4. break new ground 什么意思
  5. break new ground in opening up 什么意思
  6. break normals 什么意思
  7. break noun 什么意思
  8. break of 什么意思
  9. break of an earth bank 什么意思
  10. break of an engagement 什么意思


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